-ManUtd--Clan Emblem
Friday, October 31, 2008
Hi frens!

I have asked zeniph (captain of --ARS--) weeks ago for the making of our clan's emblem (in case you do not noe whats emblem, its a logo). He was very busy then.

Well, now, maybe he's still busy, but he's making for us a clan emblem!
Oh yes, u may ask why i did not make it myself, its because i dunno how to make 1 despite several tries... ==

zeniph works as a professional designer, designing for about 5 or more clan emblem!!

I had chat with him and said with the clan's emblem done finish in November sud not be a problem, but i hv no intention of rushing him as he's a busy man

on behalf of the clan, i thanks zeniph for being such a great help :)

~1kaka, 9:24 PM
Upgrade Project Had Been Brought to a Success!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Hi everybody!

The upgrade on the -ManUtd--Clan Official Website was a complete success despite several problems!

The duration of the upgrade was really long!
Here are the timings:

29 Oct 2008: 3.30pm ~ 6pm
29 Oct 2008: 8.40pm ~ 10pm

30 Oct 2008: 8am ~ 4.30pm

It was really long time taken and till now, I had not played a single match in Power Soccer!
draob also helped a little by suggesting songs to add and some codes of shifting the things...

Here are some of the new features in the clan:

- Acad-ManUtd--Clan will debut by tomorrow or next monday. The Acad stands for Academy. It is an academy for weaker players in our clan.

- A 2nd league will be built by tomorrow or next monday. It's called, -ManUtd--Clan League 1 (MUCL1) This league is for weaker clan mates.

-Relegation of Leagues:
There will be relegations in leagues. The bottom 3 of MUCPL will go to MUCL1 and the top 3 of MUCL1 will promote to MUCPL

-15 NEW songs in our -ManUtd--Clan Song Cafe!

Check out the 'Linkages' in Clan site!
It has:

/Instructions and Requirements to Join
/Rules of -ManUtd--Clan
/-ManUtd--Clan GAME Arcade (To play and have fun)
/-ManUtd--Clan Official Members (Where updates on new members)
/-ManUtd--Clan Leagues (Updates on Leagues)
/Inter -ManUtd--Clan Cup (Update on Inter Cup)

Hope you will enjoy.
have a nice day...

~1kaka, 4:35 PM
Site unavailable
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The website is on a major upgrade, and will not be available. sori for the inconvinence, it will be back on by tmr 1pm or earlier. ty


*The upgrade project will be done by 1.30pm, sorry for the inconvinence...
**The upgrade will be done by 1.50pm...
~1kaka, 10:14 PM
Hi guys!

I'm upgrading this website. So pardon me, I'm really very busy....
It took me 2 hours and I have not even finished half of this "Upgrade Project".

Well, maybe, and hope, this upgrade is worth.

Sorry guys, I can't finish it today. I will try my best to finish this project as now, hope for long, I can play computer from (GMT +8) 7.20am to 5pm or 6pm.

hahas, 10 hours should be sufficient, i hope ==
hehe, the upgrade may not be special to you...

Here are the new features:

-Some things from the right lane will be minimize to a link to save space and keep neat
- (Non Real Life Multiplayers) Games! [Hope i can find]
- More musics [write some of the musics u wan in the FAN TALK]
- NEW Background for the website* [ Please note that the new background will be done only when my dad comes back home with the computer, because my com cant open the codes for the background] lol

There MAY be some other new features if i think of it, currently, this are all


treat this upgrade as a gift for you all joining the clan.

enjoy your day...


*Please note that the background may not be made if any corrupts. Sori for the problem that may occur...

~1kaka, 5:27 PM
Another "mohZK"'s Disaster
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Guys, an ex- -ManUtd--Clan member had been going round telling our clan mates that this clan if not official and asking you all to leave the clan!

It's not the 1st time problems had been surfaced related to "mohZK"

Well, if u guys do not believe, follow the following steps,

go click
2nd: FORUM
4th: Official Clans (wrote by powdersnow)
5th: scroll the page down until you saw a section called 'NEW'
6th: Just right above the 'NEW', our clan's name is there

Then You will find our clan name there.

Guys... Its really time to put faith, unity, trust to this problem...
I have faith in you guys and I KNOW I never pick YOU GUYS to join this clan wrongly...

~1kaka, 5:09 PM
vietnam2008 5-6 karichester

I and vietnam may play another game due to latency. I can tell you it's very lag then. There was 3 goals vietnam2008 scored that I cant even see! One of them, my computer lag down there about 20~30 seconds, letting another goal in!
~1kaka, 10:26 AM
Monday, October 27, 2008

kari signing out :)
~1kaka, 12:17 PM
Group A:
ong_choo vs. soccer1133

Group B:
vietnam2008 vs. karichester

Group C:
kolalong vs. hangdu

Group D:
marvintan vs. ong_jing_kang

Group E:
jaspreet_9 vs. 45dragon

Group F:
namitchubby vs. baiatumic

Group G:
~1kaka, 11:50 AM
4 on 4 CLAN WAR with TinyTitans
Friday, October 24, 2008
Hello ,again, guys,

kristopher_krane has "created" a clan war with 4 TinyTitans members.

Well, we summoned the following people from the clan,

ong_choo vs. kristopher_krane
karichester vs. 1kaka
marvintan vs. llousl
chinkeong93(or subsitudes) vs. spirit93


alright guys, wish us some good luck! and yourselves too :P

we will try to do the best for the clan, hahax

kari signing out...
~1kaka, 9:19 PM
Guys, I was thinking that when i recieved 30~40 (now have 28 people) people in the clan, I sud create 2 leagues.
For Season #1, i wil take the lower level players to -ManUtd--Clan League 1 (MUCL1)

And after seasons, the bottom 3 will be relegated -ManUtd--Clan Premier League (MUCPL) and the top 3 of MUCL1 shall swap leagues


kari reporting out
~1kaka, 6:10 PM
Hi again guys,

Well, ong_choo has suggested to have a room for our clan to be in to hangout :D

He have chose a room for our secret hangout which was 'Europe Room #15'

Another reason from him is it's quite crowded in some rooms.
Hahax. So hope for our hangout there!

kari signing out
~1kaka, 4:13 PM
About updating your levels
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Hi guys,

I would only update ur levels in this website once per week
sori for the inconvinence...

kari signing out :P
~1kaka, 4:02 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Hi all,

it was clarified that mohammadziakhan wasn't lying and jaspreet_9 was the one. I was told by mohammad that becoz jaspreet_9 was defeated alot of times by mohammadziakhan, he/she decided to do this... ==

mohammadziakhan said he did got proof and witness ( i think). Well, lets put this at the back and give ur best for the cup! :D
~1kaka, 9:26 PM
NEW CO.s appointed!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Hi all,
You can say I'm stupid or a idiot, ==, but I just realised that a clan need 1 captain and 2 or more 'CO 's. And it was just the time when one of my best friend, marvintan, in this game had joined our clan :D
I would officially appoint him as our 2nd CO. Although he's an Arsenal fan, but this clan is for every fans from Lv. 4 and above.

marvintan also appointed his assistance, tuankhoa
And I decided that chinkeong93 will be the 1st assis CO

And hope the leaders could make this clan a better ones and a better future... Thanks!

Give a warm welcome to our new leaders and I would like to THANK and WELCOME all the people who joined this clan. :)

kari signing out ....
~1kaka, 4:14 PM
Rules for 'Inter -ManUtd--Clan Cup'
Friday, October 10, 2008
Rules for the 'Inter -ManUtd--Clan Cup' has been annouced now. :)

Rule #1: You are given one week to find and kick off with your opponent.

Rule #2: No cheating in the match. (e.g. lagging on PURPOSE)

Rule #3: If you have to stop suddenly in the middle of the match (e.g. go toilet, mom call, something important), you would have to inform your opponent that you did have to stop or you may request 'abort game' to your opponent. (The opponent must accept, if he/ she doesn't, inform me and just leave him/ her playing and he/she will be disqualified.) But if you aborted successfully, unfortunately you will be knocked out of the championship... :(

Rule #4: If you disconnected, either by purpose or non- purpose, you will be knocked out of the championship...

Rule #5: If you are lagging (e.g. friend chatting you in MSN) suddenly and/ or your opponent realised, please abort the game and rematch again. If he/she doesn't, inform me (or write in my guestbook.)

Rule #6: If you are TERRIBLY defeated, you may also want to request 'abort the game' (if there is). If your opponent doesn't accept, I'm sorry it's out of our control :(
But I trust our clanmates they will accept :DD

Rule #7: Please do not quarrel when in a match. If you and your opponent have problems, inform me or ong_choo

Rule #8: Do not spit vulgarities during match
Rule #9: If it's a draw/ tie, inform me and you would have a rematch till we find 1 winner.

Rule #10: If you are afraid you would be beaten by your opponent badly, you would have to inform me (or write in my guestbook) and your opponent and the match will not start and your opponent wins.

Rule #11: If BOTH TEAMS did not turn up or login for the match in a week, both of them will be knocked out.

Rule #12: If your opponent did not turn up for a week, but you did, tell me or ong_choo and we will investigate.

#13: Have a great and exciting match!

Prize: Grand Champion> Inter -ManUtd--Clan Cup Title

Inter -ManUtd--Clan Cup Title (trophy)
~1kaka, 9:13 PM
Inter -ManUtd--Clan Cup Fixtures
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Inter -ManUtd--Clan Cup Week 1 Fixtures:

Group A:

ong_choo vs. kimha
soccer1133 vs. liuyongliang

Group B:

raunak.man vs. vietnam2008
ray1993 vs. karichester

Group C:

chinkeong93 vs. kolalong
hangdu (WalkOver)

Group D:

marvintan vs. vishal_thegambler
winner145 vs. ong_jing_kang

Group E:

tuankhoa vs. jaspreet_9

hassan61 vs. 45dragon

Group F:

namitchubby vs. 92kenneth
baiatumic vs. molarmassz

Group G:

mohammadziakhan (WalkOver)

You will have 1 week from the date you start to find your clanmates to kick off. If both teams did not show up, the next fixture will be a walkover for the next opponent that should be playing with.

I will see the scores in your 'RECENT MATCHES'.

kari signing out :D
~1kaka, 5:45 PM
1!) DO NOT spit INSULTS at other people! be nice and polite :D

2!) TRY not (best if not to) quit a match when it's STARTED

3!) DO NOT quarrel with your clanMATES

4!) RESPECT decision made by your clan LEADER or CO!



kari signing out xxx
~1kaka, 12:06 PM
1. karichester Lv.30
2. ong_choo Lv. 53
3. kimha Lv. 46
4. kolalong Lv. 29
5. liuyongliang Lv.35
6. vietnam2008 Lv. 19
7. chinkeong93 Lv. 38
8. hangdu Lv. 29
9: soccer1133 Lv. 40
10: marvintan Lv. 31
11: vishal_thegambler Lv. 31
12: raunak.man Lv. 26
13: winner145 Lv. 10
14: ong_jing_kang Lv. 16
15: tuankhoa Lv. 28
16: jaspreet_9 Lv. 24
17: hassan61 Lv. 32
18: 45dragon Lv. 25
19: ray1993 Lv. 20
20: namitchubby Lv. 28
21: 92kenneth Lv. 31
22: baiatumic
23: molarmassz
24: mohammadziakhan

There are about 2 more person still pending

Dear clanmates, please add the people above in your buddylist :)
~1kaka, 10:20 AM
Instruction and Requirements to join -ManUtd--Clan
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
1st: Write your name in my guestbook (My user is: karichester)

2nd: Change your team name to -ManUtd--Clan
Not compulsory to change your abbreviation.

3rd: Done!


-Winning percentage must be 20% or above
- Level must be between 4 and above :p
- Not a rude person

If you are under this requirements and you still want to join, Private Message me or write in my guestbook :D
Please feel free to contact me if you cant at psmanutdclan@gmail.com

kari signing off ....
~1kaka, 9:14 PM
Clan Profile

Number of Members: 40

Clan Name: -ManUtd--Clan
Clan Tag: MUC
Clan Nickname: The Scarlet Devils

Clan Motto:
As long as we are one united, we will have the strength, so long as we got the strength, we do not give up! Even if we did, it indicates that we have the strength to let go.


Captain, Founder, Author of the Clan's official website:

1st Co- Captain:

1st Assistant Co- Captain:

2nd Co- Captain:

2nd Assistant Co- Captain:

Secretary CO:


Man Utd Fixtures and Results:


League Position: 4

Arsenal 2-1 Man Utd
Next Fixture (GMT+8) :
Man Utd vs. Stoke City, 10pm, 15 November 2008.

Carling Cup:

Man Utd vs. Queen Park Rangers, 3am, 11 Nov 2008

Champion League:

Man Utd 3-0 Celtic
Next Fixture (GMT+8) :
Celtic vs. Man Utd, 2.45am, 6 November 2008



New Members' Needs

  • Instructions and Requirements to Join

  • Rules of -ManUtd--Clan

  • Members Zone

  • -ManUtd--Clan Leagues

  • Inter -ManUtd--Clan Cup


  • -ManUtd--Clan Official Members

  • -ManUtd--Clan GAME Arcade

  • -ManUtd--Clan Buddies

  • --ARS--

  • --TinYTiTaNs--

  • Urban Classics

  • Power Soccer


    Kari Judgement of -ManUtd--Clan Player of the Week


    Reason: Played well to win or achieve.

    (The -ManUtd--Clan Player of the week is applicable to every clan mates except for karichester. A person cannot be awarded -ManUtd--Clan Player of the Week twice)


    -ManUtd--Clan Message Board


    October 2008
    November 2008


    -ManUtd--Clan Relax Zone

    -ManUtd--Clan Song Cafe

    -ManUtd--Clan Song Cafe


    Arsenal vs. Man Utd Highlights

    Arsenal v Man Utd

    -ManUtd--Clan Live Messenger

    Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!


    Date of Clan Founded

    Date of thoughts or decision to start clan: 5~7 October 2008
    Clan's Official Start: 9 October 2008
    Website Start: 8 October 2008
    Founded by: karichester
    Clan Originated in Singapore
